Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No Forex Broker In The World Will Ever Know You Are Trading With Forex MegaDroid

No Forex Broker In The World Will Ever Know You Are Trading With Forex MegaDroid, No Forex Broker Will Ever Be Able To Stop Forex MegaDroid™ From At Least Quadrupling Every Dollar You Deposit ...

We established a new industry standard when it comes to installation and operation of a Forex Robot...


Why? Because We Wanted To Know Exactly How To Beat Every Installation Issue Out There...
We Wanted To Design A True “5 Minute” Install & Trade Solution.

Here's the story...

Every single Forex robot site we visited in the past 4 months or so had the same “impressive” claim: “download our robot, install and fire it up in under 5 minutes”.

Well... we KNOW it's possible to download and install a robot in under 5 minutes IF you explain to the user how to do it well enough.

BUT... we also saw that every Forex robot review we came across was very negative regarding ease of use... ease of installation.

Bottom line... we wanted to see what all these Forex robot vendors were doing wrong because, at the end of the day, it is a VERY simple process to install, operate and trade an FX robot.

The answer was actually quite simple...

They all took a simple concept and made it non-simple!

You can explain something 1,000 different ways. For example, you can explain to someone how to get from address A to address B taking the shorter route...

You can also explain to someone how to get from address A to address B using the longest route if YOU DO NOT KNOW the way to point B very well yourself!

Listen closely...

Downloading, Installing & Operating a Forex Robot is a
Simple 5 Step Process... NO MORE, NO LESS.

And you have to really understand this...

Like with the addresses example above, you can make it a 50 step complicated and annoying process... or you can make it what it is, SIMPLE!

It all comes down to:

  • How Well,
  • How Accurate, and
  • How Organized explain a process to a person.

So... are we qualified to claim that we can do the job MUCH better than any other person out there?

Are we qualified to say that we have actually achieved perfection when it comes to speed and ease of installation?

Well... you be the judge. Here is what we did....

Do you know what a focus group is? Well... it's quite simple.

A focus group is a group of people that are used to test a product, a products features, a marketing concept, etc.

Some of the biggest corporations in the world use focus groups for their product development process.

It's the only way to accurately test and find out what really works... it's the only way to know what really works best!

Anyway, we actually conducted tests via 2 separate focus groups.

We created what we believed was the most easy to understand and accurate installation & operation manual...

We then submitted it to the first focus group...

These were 25 people that have never EVER heard of the word Forex! No experience, no knowledge... complete beginners.

Results were impressive... it seemed we managed to nail the correct process of installation & operation in terms of speed, ease of use and understanding.

The average installation and operation time of the group was: 6 minutes and 23 seconds.

Great... but NOT good enough. Not nearly.

Not good enough because we knew that it is possible to get a complete new comer, someone with zero experience in Forex to download, install and operate the robot in less than 5 minutes.

So... the next step was to improve the way things were explained in the installation manual... to understand what “problems” the first focus group had and improve the process.

After perfecting the process... after spending a lot of time fine tuning it and making sure every single element is covered in the most efficient manner we submitted the robot to a second focus group (25 NEW people).

The results were astounding...

The Average Time From Download Of The Robot To Complete Installation And Operation Was Exactly:

4 Minutes And 21 Seconds!

More than 2 minutes faster than the first group's time!

Now do you understand why it is possible to shorten the distance from point A to point B by so much? Bottom line... it's all down to how well you explain to someone how to do something.

But why are we telling you about all this process we went through to perfect the installation and operation of Forex MegaDroid?

Because we want you to FULLY understand why we are the ONLY ones that can truly make the following claim:

So, that is our formal guarantee to YOU... that is the only guarantee in existence that is possible to make not due to an opinion but to facts... to actual testing and perfecting with random inexperienced focus groups.

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